Workplace Inspections
No. of mini-lessons4
Duration 10'
No. of mini-lessons 4
Resources Infographic
Course overview
Inspection. It’s a word that can induce fear and dread in even the most careful workers, right? No one likes having someone with a clipboard and a stony face standing over them as they work.
But there’s no need to worry. Workplace safety inspections are a really useful tool for everyone. They not only provide a way of maintaining safe working practices, but also give your teams a chance to bring up any concerns.
What's covered
The need for, and benefits of, regular workplace inspections
The 4 types of workplace inspections
How to create checklists to help prepare for inspections

Why your teams need this course
Understanding the need for inspections and the types of inspection a company could face, will help your teams continuously maintain high standards and be prepared. This course will show your teams what inspections involve, and how they can help improve standards in the workplace. It will also give them some useful advice on using checklists before, and during, inspections.

Accredited by CPD
TalentLibrary is recognized as reaching the standards and benchmarks required by the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certification Service.
The CPD Certification Service is the world’s leading and largest independent accreditation organization for professional development courses across all industry sectors.