Dealing with Stress
No. of mini-lessons4
Duration 10'
No. of mini-lessons 4
Resources Infographic
Course overview
You know that feeling: you’ve burnt your breakfast, the freeway is a nightmare, and your to-do list is huge. Meanwhile, your 10:30 meeting has been pushed forward and the phone’s ringing off the hook. No wonder your hair is turning grey. Stresses like these can be difficult to deal with.
If you don’t recognize the signs and symptoms quickly, stress can be seriously damaging to your mental and physical health, impacting every part of your life, including your work. This course is designed to help you cope with those stresses so you can stay healthy and productive.
What's covered
What are the main causes of stress
How to spot if you, or someone else, is showing signs of stress
What are some simple strategies you can use to manage stress

Why your teams need this course
Feeling “stressed out” occasionally is normal, but you’ll need to take action before it starts affecting your life. This course will teach you how to recognize if you’re suffering from stress, and what to do about it. It will be beneficial to all workers, but managers or persons of responsibility pay close attention, as having a team member who’s suffering from stress will have a negative impact on the productivity of your company, making early intervention key.

Accredited by CPD
TalentLibrary is recognized as reaching the standards and benchmarks required by the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certification Service.
The CPD Certification Service is the world’s leading and largest independent accreditation organization for professional development courses across all industry sectors.