Do more with TalentLMS integrations
Connect your favorite tools and apps to TalentLMS to save time and offer an even better learning experience.

GetApp ranks TalentLMS highest for integration

Video Conferencing
Blend your training environment with various videoconferencing options
A leading web conferencing service, comes with web and mobile clients for all clients. The product offers attractive pricing and is receiving widespread adoption from smaller and larger businesses alike. TalentLMS comes with native support for
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Microsoft Teams
As part of the Microsoft 365 suite, Microsoft Teams brings together chat, calls, collaboration, and videoconferencing tools under one roof. With native support, TalentLMS lets you offer virtual instructor-led training sessions from the app you already use.
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GotoMeeting / GotoWebinar / GotoTraining
GotoMeeting offers a simple interface for teleconference sessions, real-time presentations, application sharing, drawing tools, and other forms of group collaboration. TalentLMS comes with native support for the full GoTo suite of remote collaboration tools which includes GotoMeeting, GotoWebinar & GotoTraining.
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BigBlueButton is an open-source teleconference and remote presentation tool. TalentLMS’ native support for BigBlueButton lets you schedule and initiate teleconferences or webinars from your eLearning portal and even record your Instructor-Led Training sessions for later replay.
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Integrate TalentHR with TalentLMS for uninterrupted employee management and training. Port users, assign courses, and sync data without moving from one platform to the other. Reduce admin time, and make sure your people are aligned with their learning goals at any time.
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ADP Workforce Now new
Simplify the data flow between your TalentLMS portal and ADP to auto-create your learners’ profiles and track their training progress seamlessly.
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Sage People
Connect Sage People with TalentLMS to keep all your team’s information — including training — in one place. Sync your data, track training progress, onboard your new hires, and train your team smoothly without switching tools all the time.
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The BambooHR integration with TalentLMS lets you sync employee data from one system to the other. You can also track training from inside BambooHR. So, all your vital employee info is quickly accessible from one spot.
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The native Salesforce app embeds your TalentLMS portal within SalesForce and provides you with painless single sign-on between the two products.
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Simplify the signup and login process across your organization.
LDAP & Active Directory
LDAP is an industry standard for user and organization informational data storage, used for directory services, authentication, and authorization. LDAP is usually supported by OpenLDAP in Linux systems and by Microsoft’s own Active Directory on Windows. TalentLMS natively supports both LDAP & Active Directory for user authentication.
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SAML 2.0
SAML (short for Security Assertion Markup Language) is an open-standard data format for exchanging authentication and authorization data between services. SAML2, the latest version of the standard, is supported by TalentLMS allowing businesses to use any SAML2 compatible identity provider for authenticating their users.
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Okta & Onelogin
Okta and Onelogin are two identity providers that can be integrated with TalentLMS thanks to their support for SAML2. As such, they don’t really constitute a special integration option, but we list them here alongside the generic SAML2 integration entry since they are quite popular SSO options.
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OpenID Connect
OpenID Connect is one of the leading standards for single sign-on and identity provision on the Internet. Based on the OAuth 2.0 family of specifications, OIDC lets an application (like TalentLMS) contact an identity service, get some user details, and return them to the application in a secure way. The OpenID Connect & TalentLMS integration lets you offer SSO in a safe environment.
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Social Logins
TalentLMS’ social integrations let new users access your learning portal without any complex sign-up procedure, simply by using their Facebook, Google, or LinkedIn accounts.
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eLearning Standards & Extensions
TalentLMS is designed to support the most popular learning standards
SCORM is a set of industry standards for eLearning interoperability that allows different eLearning software to play well together and facilitates the exchange of eLearning content and training-related data. TalentLMS offers built-in support for SCORM 1.2, the most widely adopted version of the standard.
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The xAPI (aka the Experience API, and previously known as Tin Can) is a set of eLearning standards that facilitate interoperability and content exchange between eLearning programs. As the successor to the SCORM standard, xAPI comes with several new features and optimizations. TalentLMS natively supports xAPI.
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cmi5 is an xAPI-based specification that bridges the gap between an LRS and an LMS. As cmi5 defines rules for content viewing, authentication, session management, reporting, and course structure, it gives you the ability to track all types of learning activities both inside and outside your LMS.
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Aiken & Gift
Aiken and Gift are human-readable file formats for creating and exchanging sets of questions. Both file formats can handle multiple choice type questions, with Gift also having the ability to describe “Fill the Gap”, “Drag and Drop” and “Free text” style questions. TalentLMS can directly import questions specified in either format.
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Watershed LRS
Watershed is an eLearning analytics platform that lets businesses measure the effectiveness of their training programs and helps them make data-driven decisions regarding their courses and learners. TalentLMS integration with Watershed lets you transfer training activity in the form of Tin Can (xAPI) data, to Watershed’s back-end for further inspection and analysis. In fact, TalentLMS’ can transfer the same data to any compatible LRS system.
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LinkedIn Certifications
With 400+ million accounts, LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network. TalentLMS can update a LinkedIn user’s profile with any Certificate awarded upon course’s completion.
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Javascript Integrations
Improve the portal capabilities with any third party JavaScript or widget
Google Analytics
Google Analytics really needs no introduction, as it almost totally dominates the web analytics niche and has all kinds of app integrations, including those with TalentLMS. Since your eLearning portal is basically an HTML page, all you need to integrate Google Analytics with your TalentLMS account is to add the JS snippet it provides as “Additional JavaScript” in your TalentLMS’ theme.
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Zendesk chat
Zendesk chat is one of a number of popular live chat services that you can integrate with TalentLMS. A live chat plugin allows you to communicate with your learners in a more direct way. To integrate Zendesk chat with TalentLMS, all you need is to simply add a small Javascript snippet to your eLearning portal’s theme.
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Inspectlet records your eLearning portal’s visitor sessions and lets you efficiently store them to review afterwards. It’s an important tool for studying user interaction, A/B testing, and other users. Like more Javascript based integrations, all you need to do to activate it, is just add a little Javascript to your TalentLMS’ theme.
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1000+ Widgets
This is just the tip of the iceberg. TalentLMS lets you use any among thousands of third-party or custom Javascript widgets to extend, at any depth, the browser-side functionality of your training portal.
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Customization Tools
Giving developers control to perform actions and integrations with ease
TalentLMS comes with an Application Programming Interface (API) that provides query access via HTTP(s) to portal entities like Users, Courses, Lessons, Branches, etc. In addition, the API allows programmers to automate various TalentLMS actions like user signups, course registrations, reporting, etc.
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TalentLMS offers a powerful plugin for WordPress that lets you consume data from your learning portal directly within your WordPress site.
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PHP Wrapper
Aside from its API, TalentLMS also makes available for download and use; a PHP-based library (wrapper API) that allows for near complete control over your eLearning portal from PHP websites. The wrapper API offers PHP programmers an easy and efficient way to automate TalentLMS, with functions from managing users and courses, to accessing test results and more.
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Postman (C#, Python)
On top of the PHP Wrapper, we offer a Postman collection that lets you create working code samples in various programming languages.
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Integrate with Zapier
Making it simple to integrate TalentLMS with hundreds of web apps
Mail marketing is an old, but still fully relevant, way to reach customers and MailChimp is the 100-pound gorilla (or, rather, chimp) of email marketing services. TalentLMS can automatically create new MailChimp subscribers from your eLearning users, helping you maintain contact with your learners.
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Slack, the new king of corporate instant messaging needs no introduction. TalentLMS can easily integrate to your Slack account and e.g. post a notification to some specific channel whenever a new course has been added or another training-related event occurred.
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Zendesk is the most popular customer support SaaS, and, as you’d expect, TalentLMS can talk to it, giving you the usual gamut of integration options. These include things like automatically creating a new Zendesk profile for each user added to your TalentLMS portal.
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Trello is one of the best tools for corporate collaboration and project management and it can be used along with TalentLMS to turbo-boost your training. Through Zapier, you can utilize TalentLMS to create Trello Cards or Lists whenever a User is created or a Course is completed. Have newly created Trello members automatically added to your eLearning portal, and much more.
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1000+ Apps
By leveraging TalentLMS’ Zapier-native integration, you can hook your eLearning portal to any of the hundreds of third-party applications supported by Zapier.
Quick and safe ways to receive online payments with TalentLMS
As the 10,000 pound gorilla of payment processors, supporting more countries and currencies than any other competitor, the reputation of PayPal speaks for itself. TalentLMS comes with native support so that you can use PayPal for selling courses or offer eLearning content subscriptions.
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A very popular online payments option operating in over 25 countries, Stripe is known for its ease-of-use and developer friendly APIs. TalentLMS’ built-in support for Stripe means you can configure it and start accepting payments for your eLearning courses in minutes.
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With over 150,000 merchants and billions in sales, Shopify is one of the world’s most popular eCommerce platforms, allowing everybody to set their online shop and accept online payments in minutes. TalentLMS can be natively integrated to Shopify, letting you use the popular marketplace to sell your TalentLMS courses, and exchange course or user information between the two platforms.
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WooCommerce is a popular open source plugin that extends the leading CMS & blogging platform WordPress with eCommerce capabilities. TalentLMS’ integration with WooCommerce lets you have TalentLMS courses registered as WooCommerce products and even have Course categories displayed as WooCommerce product categories.
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Keep track of all of your important training events in one place
Google Calendar
Google Calendar is one of the most popular web-based calendar applications. TalentLMS allows you to easily integrate your learning portal with Google Calendar and have your training events automatically synced between the two platforms.
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Outlook Calendar
Microsoft’s premier calendar application, along with Outlook Mail, a long-standing enterprise staple, is fully supported by TalentLMS.
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Yahoo Calendar
Yahoo calendar is a popular web-based calendar application by the former web search giant that TalentLMS supports natively.
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Integrate your tech stack with TalentLMS and meet uninterrupted success.
See what real GetApp reviewers have to say:
Initially, we liked TalentLMS and its intuitive interface. We were pleased with the overall functionality of the application, and met our requirements to integrate with our BambooHR software.
GetApp reviewer
So the ability to host our own domain, integrate SSO, and pass data back and forth with the LMS was key, along with SCORM compliance.
GetApp reviewer
We have managed to get the system set up to integrate our training programs with our application, and will continue to build deeper links with APIs, so I consider it a success.
GetApp reviewer
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